3. SpaceShip Tradability and Unstaking Mechanics
SpaceShips are automatically staked on purchase. The tradability and un-staking of SpaceShips comes with a detailed set of mechanics aimed at promoting player engagement and ensuring a balanced economy. An essential aspect of these mechanics is the un-staking threshold. Specifically, a SpaceShip cannot be un-staked unless it has a minimum balance of 1,000 Mystery Shards. This rule serves to:
Enhance Secondary Market Value: SpaceShips on the secondary market come with 1,000 Mystery Shards, adding inherent value to these assets and making them immediately usable for new owners. This means players purchasing SpaceShips second-hand have shards readily available to immediately participate in the game without the need to acquire additional shards.
Maintain Economic Equilibrium: It prevents the quick un-staking and selling of SpaceShips, helping to balance the secondary market economy.
This approach to SpaceShip tradability and un-staking reflects our commitment to creating a rich and engaging gaming environment, where the tradability and utility of SpaceShips play a crucial role.
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